Final Announcement

Final Announcement

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for participating at FM&NT-2017 in Tartu and for turning it into a memorable event with interesting discussions on research matters and outside. Without your valuable contribution, the conference would not have been the same as it was! Our goal was to recruit the international top experts in the field to meet all of You in Tartu and on other hand ensure a vivid pool of young scientist eagerly looking for new challenges in their work. It is up to You decide, did we take the heights we were looking with the organization of FM&NT-2017.

In the conference participated 170 delegates from 21 different countries, incl. 62 delegates from Latvia with biggest delegation as usually and followed by 57 delegates from Estonia. Totally
16 invited lectures and 34 oral presentations was held during three days. It was accompanied with 108 poster presentations.

Conference photos
The photos taken during the conference, you can find at the conference web-site
And, if you do have your own nice photos, taken during FM&NT-2017, please share these with us and other FM&NT-2017 delegates by mailing the brilliant moments stored with your camera to (e-mail size limit is ca 20MB.)

Book of Abstracts
The Book of Abstracts of FM&NT-2017 conference is available at the web-site address
If you would not like publish your theses in this volume with the assigned ISBN code, please let us know by mailing you wish to

Your feedback is important to us
Please give us a short feedback about your stay at the FM&NT-2017 conference.
Your recommendations and positive criticism helps us next time to prepare the conference even better!
As organizers we would like to acknowledge the financial support of Enterprise Estonia, European Union, European Regional Developement Fund and University of Tartu as well as Estonian Physical Society for their contribution.

We are looking forward to see you at the next FM&NT conference in Riga in year 2018!

Ergo Nõmmiste
Marco Kirm
Toomas Plank