Paper upload

The Paper upload to FM&NT-2017 is closed

We strongly encourage you to submit the full papers (only one full paper per participant) before or at least during the conferene (24.-27. April 2017).
The official deadline for submitting full paper texts is May 7, 2017.

The length of your paper should not exceed 8 pages. Normally, in one page you will have ca 3700-5000 symbols.

Please upload here the file of your full paper, intended for publication in “Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences”, prepared according to format suggestions in Instructions to Authors. Submission of one full paper is free of charge for FM&NT-2017 participant.

Manuscripts should be packed (max size 5 MB) in zip-format and include:
(a) the files of the paper in MS Word (.doc,.docx) or LATEX (.tex) format (other TEX versions are not accepted);
(b) original files of illustrations ( cdr, xls) or saved as eps, tif, psd, ai;
(c) a copy of the identical text and illustrations in .pdf format;
(d) the covering letter.

Word versions are preferable in case the manuscript does not include complicated formulas. In both cases the authors are asked not to use specially defined macros. If it has been necessary to define the commands, they should be added to the text file.

In the covering letter the authors should supply full contact details (incl. e-mail addresses) for at least four individuals who may be appropriate reviewers for the manuscript. Also, information about possible conflict of interests should be reported.

By submitting manuscripts to the Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences the authors agree that the article, if accepted and published, will become licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License CC BY-NC (